AJ’s Tea & More is a Darjeeling based tea seller for whom Darjeeling tea is more than just a drink. It is a gift of nature from the land that has a certain rare and divine energy; a gift into which has gone over a hundred years of hard work, the love and dedication of unknown workers who have tended the tea bushes with painstaking care, cultivated the slopes on which the tea grows and plucked by hand each tip of the two leaves and a bud that makes the tea. It is the fruit of labor that is ingrained and infused with the history of the land, the struggle of the people who produce it and the sacrifices that they have made to keep this industry alive and viable for more than a century.
Having been associated with the tourism industry for about thirty years , accompanying innumerable foreign tourists on excursions to the tea gardens and tea factories of Darjeeling, advising his tea enthusiast clientele on the type of tea to take back home from their trip and being an ardent lover of Darjeeling tea himself, Ajay decided to tap into his intimate knowledge of Darjeeling Tea and embark on this venture, hoping to curate the finest Darjeeling tea for those who are lovers of the tea and those who aren’t yet but waiting in the wings to become one.
Our advantages
Living in Darjeeling in close proximity to the tea gardens, it is an easy and obvious choice for us to ethically source our teas directly from the gardens itself and our buyers can rest assured that they will receive only the purest and finest of the original Darjeeling. From the tea garden to your teapot, uncompromisingly ensuring that the local community and local economy is supported. Yet another way to give back to our community and to make a difference to our hometown. Since we are a small outfit with good contacts to source the best of teas and bring it to you at a fair price , you will definitely find us of value .
Drink life to the lees and enjoy every sip! We hope to be able to support you on your tea voyage and adventure!